
环球工程 | 越南首座!沙巴体育官网入口助建动力电池“超级工厂”
2024-05-30 沙巴体育新闻


In recent years, the global electric vehicle market has been growing continuously, particularly in Southeast Asia, where the emerging electric vehicle and clean energy industries are rapidly developing, sparking a wave of factory construction.

沙巴体育官网入口乘借产业新机遇,携手越南最大民营企业集团VinGroup,参建到VinES 电池工厂项目,助力越南电动汽车本地化生产。

Keshun Waterproof Technologies Co., Ltd. is seizing this new industrial opportunity by partnering with Vietnam's largest private enterprise group, VinGroup, to participate in the VinES Battery Manufacturing Factory project, supporting the localization of electric vehicle manufacturing in Vietnam.

VinES 电池工厂项目,位于越南河静省永安经济区,占地14公顷,由越南最大民企VinGroup 投资建设,总投资近6.33万亿越南盾(约合2.75亿美元)。

The VinES Battery Manufacturing Factory project is located in the Vung Ang Economic Zone, Ha Tinh Province, Vietnam, covering an area of 14 hectares. It is invested and constructed by VinGroup, with a total investment of nearly 6.33 trillion VND (approximately 275 million USD).

这是越南首座磷酸铁锂电池工厂,设计年产能5GWh,主要用于电动汽车电池和储能系统(ESS),满足VinGroup 集团旗下VinFast 新能源汽车的生产需求。

This is Vietnam's first lithium iron phosphate battery factory, with a designed annual capacity of 5GWh, mainly for electric vehicle batteries and energy storage systems (ESS), meeting the production needs of VinGroup's VinFast new energy vehicles.

VinES 电池工厂的自动化程度高达80%,采用符合欧洲标准的领先技术,打造成越南第一座现代化电池工厂。

The VinES Battery Manufacturing Factory boasts an automation level of 80% and adopts leading technologies that meet European standards, making it Vietnam's first modern battery factory. 


Keshun brand is the sole provider of waterproofing solutions for this project, covering a waterproofing construction area of about 30,000 square meters.


During the cooperation, the owner required the implementation of specific waterproof material testing standards. The Keshun team conducted in-depth research on international standards (including ASTM, BS, TCVN, etc.) and, through discussions with the R&D department, customized waterproof products that met the owner's requirements and project usage conditions.

竣工交付后,VinES 电池工厂将在2024年第三季度,开始实现大规模生产。

Upon completion and delivery, the VinES Battery Manufacturing Factory will begin large-scale production in the third quarter of 2024.   


With professional excellence, efficient response, and a pursuit of satisfactory service, Keshun Waterproof Technologies Co., Ltd., along with the general contractor and the owner, has built a bridge of trust and mutual benefit, laying the foundation for future cooperation.


Seizing the opportunity of "going global" and actively expanding international business, Keshun Waterproof Technologies Co., Ltd. will join hands with more partners to serve countries along the "Belt and Road" and global customers, contributing to the high-quality development of economic industries and enterprises!

关于 VinGroup

VinGroup 的前身为Technocom公司,1993年在乌克兰成立。在21世纪初,旗下Vincom和Vinpearl两个主要品牌在越南创立,并在2012年正式合并成为Vingroup集团。


VinGroup, formerly known as Technocom Corporation, was founded in 1993 in Ukraine. In the early 2000s, Vingroup started in Vietnam with two key brands: Vincom and Vinpearl. In 2012, Vinpearl JSC merged with Vincom JSC to form Vingroup Joint Stock Company.

As a multi-sector corporation, VinGroup focuses on three core pillars: Technology & Industry,Trade & Services,Social Enterprise.

VinGroup continues to pioneer and lead consumer trends in each of its businesses introducing Vietnamese consumers to a brand new, modern life-style with international-standard products and services. VinGroup has created a respected, well-recognized Vietnamese brand and is proud to be one of the nation’s leading private enterprises.

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